I was really busy with the camera yesterday, and I was finally able to get on my computer this morning... before the kids woke up!!! Otherwise I would have been stuck waiting yet another day to upload all of these shots! I'll start with the FOs, and then go on to the WIPs.

Here are the ankle socks that I knitted up for my neice Brittany while she's visiting us here this summer. They were a fast-to-finish project, but they took a while since they kept getting put aside for the Maple Leaves. I used less than one ball of my Bernat Sox for these, and knit them on 3.25mm dpns. I used the acrylic sock yarn for her socks since I know these won't get any kind of special care once they get home... being 75% acrylic/ 25% nylon, they should hold up to regular machine washing and drying, like the socks I knitted for the girls.

Here are my Maple Leaf socks all done! This is only the second pair of socks that I have knit for myself, and the only pair with the ends all woven in. I haven't taken them off since I put them on for this picture. I feel so luxurious wearing hand-knit socks for the first time!

Here is my second CL sock at the very beginning of the heel flap. I should have these done soon as they are my take-along project right now. It's hard to tell in the photo, but the wool has a bit of a haze to it, and I'm not sure if I'm liking that or not.

Here is my typical start-of-KAL shot... I couldn't help myself and knit away like crazy on them before I took any photos. That's what happens when you throw your back out and your camera needs to be charged!!! I'm using Lana Grossa Maya in a blue colourway, and my 2.5mm bamboo dpns.

This is how much I got done in less than three days of knitting, and still working on other projects as well. I am *loving* this yarn!!! BTW: this is four of five pattern repeats for the leg.

It may be hard to see the stitch definition in this photo, but the yarn is really holding up well, with no fuzziness or droopiness {is that even a word?}. The slight sheen isn't really evident in this photo either, but it's there, albeit very subtle.

Here's the start of my Scales Skin Socks. The picot hem is actually a folded over hem, which will make the top of the leg very comfortable, since there won't be a cast-on edge to fight with. The slipped yos that create the scales make this pattern slow going, but I'm not pushing myself. I'm using Dazzle Super Socks and 2.5mm Skacel dpns. If I had my druthers, I'd be using some sharper dpns so that coaxing over the yos would be easier. If you see the gold dpn in this photo, that's the 2.25mm Boye dpn that I used for folding over the hem as well as my scale maker!

Here's a close-up of the SSS stitch. You can see the subtlety of the picot edge. This pattern is allowing the jacquard yarn to still "do its stuff", but the scales are adding the slightest touch of texture. I'm extremely pleased!
Wow, lots of great socks. I've started my scale skin too, in som norwegian yarn.
You have a nice blogg.
Thanks for the compliments Kate, and thanks for visiting too! I'm enjoying the SSS pattern even though it's slow for me.
Gorgeous collection of socks finished and socks in progress. Love the color of the Maple Leaf socks. They do look very luxurious.
Beautiful sock knitting!! Great colors and patterns. Your niece will love her socks - lucky her!
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